The blindside

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The other day I was driving to go collect my son from school and was on the over pass (flyover) which only has two lanes. I wanted to change my lane because my car all of a sudden started behaving strange-jerking!
I put on my left hand signal to indicate that I wanted to turn left. I then checked my left hand side mirror, to check for sure that I could safely enter the lane.

One, two, three, cars were visible so I knew I had to wait, one more check and I started to move into the lane as it looked clear from the side mirror.
Low and behold just as I started to turn in a split second I saw a glimpse of a car -I  managed successfully to stay putt in my lane and the car passed by like a magical appearance act where all of a sudden a car appeared.
The driver yelling remember your blindside!

Many times on my journey I’m moving forward but am blindsided.
I do not see certain things going on at the same time, because my focus and my view points are at an angle that does not give me whole picture.  And if I don’t change my angle, I may decide to change or move, or get into something new ( could be a relationship, business or partnership) and almost get hit with what I couldn’t see.
Going through the motions can make one blindsided.

I have come to realize on my journey that I need time away from the “noise” of this world, the busyness of the day, week and month to achieve my goals, can drown out the still quiet voice. I can be oblivious to the danger of going about life without stopping long enough to listen to God.

As we go about ending the first month on an awesome note of achievement, let us not get too blindsided not to take time to meditate, to listen, to calm down and finally get the full picture.

Happy listening!