Theme song for 2015 number 2

Happy February everyone,

I must admit am so happy to be in this new month. This year I decided to make every day and every month count towards my big year 2015.

To help me just get it right I managed to get my dream board or my vision board going. I must admit that just the act of getting that done, has already done wonders for my mind and my focus on the goals. Every day I look at my board and get inspired.

To help me on this journey of the 6 figure income, music plays an important part. It has the power to move me in so many ways. I love listening to music. I love singing along to my favorite songs. In fact music is with me all the time, in the car, during my workouts, and as I type away there is always some song in the back ground that is playing.

I feel such a connection with the lyrics and the melody and harmonies of songs.  Some make me just want to get up and get moving. Others make me feel the sadness of the heartbreak that we all have gone through. Others give me hope. Then there are the praise ones and worship ones that just connect my whole being to my creator, My God. These are the one’s that I really hold dear. These days I’m grateful that we have all types, from Gospel, Hymns, to Praise and boy do I just love to Praise.

My other theme song for 2015 makes me feel so good. I think it’s because I now know for the longest time in my life, I have been hiding. I have not really wanted my light to shine. In as much as I would like to do my work and live my life well, I really did not want to be noticed.

But that has all changed. This light of mine must shine and shine and shine in 2015.

Now do not get me wrong,

It’s not the attention am seeking, I have come to see and appreciate myself others will and hence my light will shine.

And that is it.

We all are to shine in what we love to do, and we are to shine by doing it so well that even when the thought of what you do comes to anyone’s mind they can only think of you and mention you even when you are not present.

I hope you like my second theme song. I love it.

Lets all come out, and be our true selves. Let us shine this year and let this year know you are here!

Making choices

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It’s funny how many times in a day we get to make choices.

Today I was reading how the first two people on the earth made a choice
They chose to give up the pleasure of God’s company for their own interests.
Eve saw that the fruit was good,  pleasing to the eye and she desired wisdom – I guess that was a good reason, to decide to eat the fruit.

Desiring Wisdom
However the consequences of that choice are still in effect till today.

Both Adam and Eve are still trying to teach us to be very clear on the decisions we make.

On what or who, we place value on and the consequences it will have on our families for generations to come.   As I look forward to the months to come on this journey, I must remember that my choices will lead to actions that will indeed lead to results. Hopefully good results!

Some of the choices that I have decided to make in 2015

An attitude of gratitude: Being grateful, for everything that I am able to do small things like read many people can’t read or write. Am grateful that I have my children. Am grateful to my parents and siblings for really being there for me through thick and thin. Am grateful for each day. Am truly want to maintain my attitude of gratitude.

Being Bold: I have decided to be Bold. Both bold and courageous. I think somewhere along my life journey I started doubting my abilities. Maybe someone said something or I did not get a result or outcome that I wanted. And this affected my being bold and courageous. Watch out 2015 am back Bold and Courageous!

Enjoying the journey: The journey to the earning a 6 figure dollar income has its up’s and downs. I must admit that before it was hard to enjoy the lows no one likes being down. But one thing I have come to appreciate is that the lows are lessons. And as I share these lessons with others we all win – and we win big time.

These are my top three choices 🙂

I have also decided to keep fit and lose a few pounds! I want to make sure that I’m healthy and if I look good in the process so be It.

So as we start off a new week I challenge you to make a few good choices, do not be deceived like Eve – all that glitters is not gold.

You never know, some of your choices will lead to decisions that will create your legacy.